How is AI changing the world of work?
Concern or euphoria? Artificial intelligence triggers different thoughts and reactions - in any case, it is already omnipresent. TU Vienna looks at developments in the labor market and invites discussion.

June 22nd 2023
- 15:30 – 20:00 CEST
- TU Wien, Campus Getreidemarkt Konferenzsaal TUtheSky
1060 Vienna, Getreidemarkt 9
Bauteil BA (Hoftrakt), 11. Stock, Raum BA11B07
Connecting Business, Science, and Technology
In the past, technologies have repeatedly influenced or even revolutionized our everyday lives and thus also our working world. It is therefore safe to assume that artificial intelligence (AI) will continue to shape and change the way we work. Change without knowing what can be turned for the better and what can possibly be turned for the worse can trigger worries and fears in many places. Impending regulations and inventions around the workplace are of great importance especially for employees and companies and therefore the TU Vienna would like to communicate once more. The symposium of the Academy for Continuing Education offers space to discuss European trends and issues in this regard with research as well as with the economy.
As a research and educational institution, TU Vienna wants to think ahead, connect people with technology and successfully accompany Austrian stakeholders through the next transformation.
We offer keynote talks by top speakers:
- Prof. Sabine Köszegi (TU Wien) - „What about digital equality of opportunity?“
- Prof. Stefan Woltran, opens an external URL in a new window (TU Wien) - “You have to know AI”
- Dr. Johannes Kopf, (AMS Österreich) - “AI & workplaces of tomorrow”
- Fridolin Herkommer, (AK Wien) - “AI - trends and disruptions in the world of work”
And other exciting guests with contributions.
You can register and find further information here (in German).