“Do we make our own decisions in the digital age?”
Symposium on the topic of “Digital Humanism”."

February 1st 2022
- 18:30 – 20:00 CET
- Palais Rohan
- 1020 Vienna, Praterstraße 38
About the Event
Together with the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) and in cooperation with the TU Wien, the City of Vienna has made the concept of Digital Humanism a central research topic for the coming years. In this context, the Institut français d’Autriche is participating by organizing a symposium on Digital Humanism in cooperation with the WWTF, the Institut français, and the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.
Two Austrian and two French experts will present their vision of the digital transformation to the audience and try to give an answer to the question and the title of the event “Do we decide ourselves in the digital age?”.
For more information, visit https://www.institutfrancais.at/events/entscheiden-wir-selbst-im-digitalen-zeitalter-1
Dr. Katja Mayer (Sociologist at the University of Vienna - research work in Critical Data Studies). Dr. Monika Mokre (Researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), Project Call “Digital Humanism” of the City of Vienna, “If no vote, at least voice: Digitization as an opportunity for non-voters”). Bruno Cohen (former director of the French foundation “Digital Humanism”, PhD student in information and communication sciences (CNAM Paris), co-author of the book “Demain est-il ailleurs ?") Samuel Nowakowski (professor and researcher in AI, Université de Lorraine, co-author of the book “Demain est-il ailleurs ?” (FYP Editions))
The discussions will be moderated by Dr. Erich Prem (Head of RTI Strategy and Managing Director of Eutema GmbH and Lecturer in “Information Systems Engineering” at the TU Wien).
In cooperation with the Institut français, the Vienna Science, Research and Technology Fund (WWTF) and the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.