2nd Place at F1TENTH Autonomous Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi
Team Scuderia Segfault from TU Wien jumps on the podium again with 2nd place at the 21st F1TENTH Autonomous Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi.

Congratulations for the TUW F1Tenth Scuderia team for winning Silver at the prestigious IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) in Abu Dhabi last week. For this feat, our team under the supervision of PreDoc Researcher Andreas Brandstätter and CAIML Board Member Prof. Radu Grosu from the Research Unit for Cyber-Physical Systems succeeded to beat the teams of ETH Zurich, to reach the final.
You can find a detailed account of the race, with comments, videos, and pictures at the following link: https://www.tuwien.at/inf/f1tenth/news-detail/2nd-place-at-f1tenth-autonomous-grand-prix-in-abu-dhabi/