Jubilee Lecture: Half a Century of Computer Science Love Story With TU Wien
Join renowned Austrian computer scientist Georg Gottlob for a special jubilee lecture to celebrate the 20th anniversary of TU Wien Informatics.

May 27th 2024
- 15:00 – 16:30 CEST
- TU Wien, Campus Gußhaus, EI 7 Hörsaal
1040 Vienna, Gußhausstraße 27-29
Stiege 1, Erdgeschoß, Raum CDEG13 -
This is a hybrid event.
See description for details.
When I enrolled at TU Wien in 1974, punch cards, Fortran, and a few seemingly old professors made up Informatics at our university. What has happened since then is unprecedented and bears the signature of many who have built up Informatics here, most notably Werner Purgathofer, Hermann Kopetz, and A Min Tjoa, to mention just a few. Logic as ground truth for rule-based AI has been established, Computer Graphics and Visual Computing have made their way from pure maths and geometry to ever more important applications, cybersecurity and digital sovereignty are central parts of research and teaching, and many more. With anecdotes and some lighter tone, I will draw a trail from the seventies of the past century to the way ahead of us.
You can find more information about this special lecture of CAIML Board Member Georg Gottlob on the event page.