O.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Thomas Eiter
Institute of Logic and Computation, TU Wien

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Short Bio
Thomas Eiter is Professor of Knowledge-Based Systems in the Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien, Austria, since 1998. He worked in different fields of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, but his main area is knowledge representation and reasoning, where he has been active since the 1990s and published extensively.
Prizes, Awards, Memberships
Thomas Eiter has been serving on many editorial boards, steering bodies, and program committees (e.g. chairing KI 2001 and KR 2014). He is an EurAI (formerly ECCAI) Fellow (2006), a Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (2007), and ACM Fellow (2021).
Research Interests
- Knowledge representation and reasoning
- Computational logic
- Algorithms and complexity in AI
- Declarative problem solving
- Nonmonotonic logic programming and databases
- Reasoning about actions and change
- Intelligent agents