Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Szeider

Algorithms and Complexity Group (192-01), Institute of Logic and Computation, Faculty of Informatics,TU Wien


Short Bio

Stefan Szeider is a full professor at the Faculty of Informatics at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria. He chairs the Algorithms and Complexity Group and the Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms. Before that, he worked for several years at universities in Canada and the UK. He is the first Austrian Computer Scientist who received a grant from the European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant 2009). Szeider’s research focuses on developing and analyzing efficient algorithms for problems that arise in Artificial Intelligence and Automated Reasoning.

Prizes, Awards, Memberships

Research Interests

Szeider combines algorithmic and logic-based methods to solve hard computational problems in Artificial Intelligence, Automated Reasoning, and Combinatorial Optimiziation. Recently he proposed logic-based methods for learning fast-inference Bayesian networks and succinct decision trees from data.
