How Sustainable Is The Footprint Of Digital Technologies?
An online workshop on digital technologies, energy, and sustainability.

On This Page
On March 25th, 2022, the online Workshop on Digital Technologies, Energy, and Sustainability took place starting with the opening speech of Georg Brasseur followed by impulse lectures by Vlad C. Coroamă, Steffen Bettin, and Lynn Kaack. Afterwards, Ivona Brandić moderated a roundtable discussion, and the event was closed by the statements of Ivona Brandić and Georg Brasseur.
About the Event
A life without digital technologies is almost inconceivable. However, what impact do digital technologies have on our energy infrastructure, and how sustainable is the use of information and communication technologies and thus the transformation(s) they bring about? This workshop provides the space to discuss the complex impact, challenges, and opportunities that the use of digital technologies has on our energy systems, and on sustainable development overall.