Digital Humanism Summer School 2022
Join leading experts in informatics, social sciences, and humanities to collaborate on pressing issues of digital politics, economy, and technology.

Between September 19th and September 23rd the first Digital Humanism Summer School took place in Vienna.
The Summer School 2022 was held by 24 international lecturers and was attended by 65 participants from 22 countries (all 5 continents were represented) and from different disciplines, students, Profs, Universities, NGOs, institutions and companies.
We live in a “digital” world, the separation between physical and virtual makes (almost) no sense anymore. Here, the Corona pandemic has also acted as an accelerator/magnifier demonstrating that the future of our digital society is here with all its possibilities, but also shortcomings. Digital Humanism looks at this interplay of technology and man, it analyzes, and, most importantly, tries to influence the complex interplay of technology and humankind, for a better society and life. We recognize the need of an interdisciplinary approach, integrating humanities, social, technical and engineering sciences; we need to cross different disciplines and to break down disciplinary silos. At the summer school we look at and discuss issues such as participation and democracy, digital politics and sovereignty, economy and the role of platforms, privacy, AI and ethics, or fair systems. This was presented and discussed by globally recognized and leading academics from computer science, social sciences and humanities.
We had 143 applications and 51 scholarship applications for 12 scholarships.
For details of the program slides and and the recording see here
Stay tuned for updates regarding the Digital Humanism Summer School in 2023!