Benjamin Gregg
University of Texas at Austin, USA

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Benjamin Gregg teaches social and political theory, as well as bioethics, informed by philosophy and sociology, at the University of Texas at Austin but also in Germany (Frankfurt/O.), Austria (Linz and Innsbruck), Sweden (Lund), Japan (Tokyo and Hokkaido), China (Beijing), and Brazil (Goiãnia). He studied with Michael Walzer in Princeton, Axel Honneth in Berlin, and Seyla Benhabib at Yale. In addition to more than eighty articles, he is the author of The Human Rights State (Pennsylvania, 2016); Human Rights as Social Construction ( Cambridge, 2012); Thick Moralities, Thin Politics (Duke, 2003); and Coping in Politics with Indeterminate Norms (SUNY, 2003). Cambridge University Press will publish his newest book, Constructing Human Nature: The Political Challenges of Genetic Engineering, in 2022. His work has been translated into German, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, and Chinese. He is the 2021-2022 Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Public International Law at Lund University, Sweden. He will be a Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Biomedical Ethics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, this coming summer.