Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou
Member of the European Parliament

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Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou is an economist and an attorney-at-law. She is currently a Member of the European Parliament (EPP ), Vice-Chair of the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee and member, inter alia, of the Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence, the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, the Development Committee and the Science and Technology Options Assessment Panel. She was formerly a member of the HellenicParliament and spokesperson for the New Democracy Party. She has also served as Deputy Mayor of the City of Ioannina.
She worked for several years as an attorney in the USA, specializing in financial transactions and international banking law, as an external expert for the European Commission, and as a manager in consulting companies in Brussels and Luxembourg. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the think tank Friends of Europe and of the Hellenic American University.